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TCG Set Info
(With general info, and card scans, lists, and spoilers.)

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The first base set revisions of many to come.

BS2 Card List
BS2 Preconstructed Deck Info
• BS2 Card Scans
Why Make BS2?


So really... what is Base Set 2? Here are the facts:

Set Size: 130 in the US.

Set Order: 4th set in the US

Release Date: Feburary 28th, 2000 in the US

Other Goodies:
• This set was a combination of Jungle and Base Set (1). Wizards usually does base reprintings with their games, but at the time this proved to be an unpopular decision between Pokémon TCG fans. (Legendary Collections would later correct this.)
• Since this set was 130 large and BS1+Jungle was 166 cards, some cards were taken out.

Cards Gone From Base Set: Koffing, Porygon, Ponyta, Revive, Devolution Spray, Clefairy Doll, PokéFlute
Cards Gone From Jungle: Oddish, Glome, Vileplume, Eevee, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Mankey, Primeape, Rapidash

• This set was never released in Japan.
• This set was also the first set to introduce the Japanese foil type on Western Cards.

Other Images:
BS2 Pack Design

Symbol: The symbol for Base Set 2 is a "2" with a Poké Ball in the middle.


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All text and images are ©1999-2004 Philippe Van Lieu and FakeCard.com or their respective owners. This site is not affiliated, endorsed, or approved by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, or Wizards of the Coasts/Hasbro.

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